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Summary of the Common Core Programme in Hong Kong Universities

University Aim of the Common Core Learning clusters / strands Requirement
The University of Hong Kong (2020)
  • Articulate a broader perspective and a deeper critical understanding of the complex connections between issues of profound importance.
  • Better navigate the similarities and differences between your own and other cultures.
  • More fully participate as individuals, members of social groups, and citizens in global, regional, and local communities.
  • Demonstrate the creative, critical, collaborative, and communication skills that will contribute to the quality of your own and others’ lives.
  1. Scientific and technological literacy
  2. Humanities
  3. Global issues
  4. China: Culture, state and society
Students are required to complete six courses, with one from each cluster and not more than two from any cluster.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2013)
  • Furnish students with a broad intellectual perspective for dealing with unfamiliar questions.
  • Engage students in active reflections on perennial issues, prompting them to make connections between intellectual pursuits and life at work, at home and in the community.
  • Promote an understanding of Chinese cultural heritage and of other cultural traditions.
  • Develop the attitudes and skills that are conducive to critical thinking, self-expression and communication with the others.
  • Extend students’ curiosity, promote a habit of reading widely, and develop attitudes and competence as independent learners and team players.
  1. Chinese cultural heritage
  2. Nature, science and technology
  3. Society and culture
  4. Self and humanity
Students are required to complete at least one course from each of the four clusters.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2016)
  • To provide courses across and beyond the main academic disciplines: science and technology, social studies, and arts and humanities, such that students can gain intellectual breadth.
  • To instil knowledge on the human achievements in the arts and culture, the social structures and forms, and the significance of scientific discovery and technical accomplishments.
  • To spark students’ passion for learning by teaching and learning pedagogies that stimulate them to think for themselves, taking their own routes through the materials, to conduct self-directed research and inquiry, and to communicate their discoveries, explanations and narratives to others.
  • To help develop higher-order thinking skills through activities that require students to form and communicate judgments, to apply theories and concepts to unfamiliar situations, or to analyze cases and solve problems.
  • To offer courses that support students’ development of skills in the areas of language and communication, quantitative reasoning and computer literacy.
  • To nurture the development of students’ attributes including social adaptability, the willingness to accept challenges, and the ability to work independently and in collaboration.
  • To cultivate the development of responsible, ethical and compassionate citizens who can reflect on personal choices and basic human values, and understand the social and human impact of scientific and technical advances.
  • To equip students with strategies to manage their lives, contribute to the community, and live up to the expectations that society places on its educated citizens.
  1. Humanities
  2. Social analysis
  3. Science and technology
  4. Quantitative reasoning
  5. Arts
  6. English communication
  7. Chinese communication
  8. Healthy lifestyle
Students are required to get a total of 36 credits from courses selected from the eight clusters.
The Education University of Hong Kong (2019)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how knowledge is acquired within and across different disciplinary domains, and how it applies to aspects of their own lives and experiences as a future professional and citizen.
  • Apply a broad range of attitudes and skills, including those relating to the seven GILOs, different kinds of thinking and communication, to inquire into various academic and practical issues.
  • Make good judgements and ethical decisions, based on values and standards which are sensible and reasonable.
  • Express their own ideas clearly and confidently after critically inquiring into and reflecting on various theories, perspectives, stances and experiences.
  • Show that they are aware of local, regional and global issues, and construct informed and thoughtful responses to these issues.
  • Demonstrate intellectual and civic engagement through active participation in and reflection on various co-curricular, service, and experiential learning activities.
  1. Persons, Interpretations, Perspectives
  2. Community, Society, Culture
  3. Nature, Science, Technology
  4. Positive and Values Education
Students are required to complete at least one course from each of the four clusters.
Baptist University (2020)
  • Use historical and cultural perspectives to gain insight into the contemporary issues.
  • Apply various value systems to decision-making in personal, professional, and social/political situations.
  • Use data for the purposes of analyses and to make recommendations for strategic implementation of policy on social, economic and business, cultural, and political affairs.
  • Relate their majors with interdisciplinary thematic knowledge.
  • Demonstrate connections among a variety of disciplines to gain insight into contemporary personal, professional, and community situations.
  1. Culture, creativity and innovation
  2. Science, technology and society
  3. Sustainable communities
  4. History and civilization
  5. Quantitative reasoning
  6. Values and the meaning of life
Students are required to complete two courses under any one of the first three clusters. They are also required to complete one course from each of the latter three clusters.
Lingnan University (2020)
  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills, especially the ability to analyze, construct, evaluate, and communicate arguments.
  • Coherently discuss Hong Kong and its place in the world from a variety of angles, including economic, social, political, and historical perspectives.
  • Explain and apply approaches used by science to address and solve problems and the central components of experimental and quantitative methodologies.
  • Provide coherent account of the historical interactions between China and the rest of the world, in cultural, economic, political and other domains.
  • Approach real life problems in an empirically informed and methodologically sound manner and pinpoint the main difficulties in addressing them.
  • Communicate ideas and reasoning clearly and effectively in speech and in writing.
  1. Creativity and innovation
  2. Humanities and the arts
  3. Management and society
  4. Science, technology, mathematics and society
  5. Values, cultures and societies
Students are required to take four compulsory common core courses (i.e. (1) Critical thinking: Analysis and Argumentation, (2) The Making of Hong Kong, (3) The Process of Science, (4) China and World History) and 1 course each from the five clusters.
The University of Hong Kong. (2020). Introduction to common core. Retrieved from https://commoncore.hku.hk/introduction/#intro
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. (2016). University common core program: Mission, goals and objectives. Retrieved from https://uce.ust.hk/web/about/about_mission.html
Baptist University. (2020). Programme structure. Retrieved from http://ge.hkbu.edu.hk/ge-programme/programme-structure/
Lingnan University. (2020). Core curriculum: Description and intended learning outcomes of common core. Retrieved from https://www.ln.edu.hk/ccgeo/corecurri.php
The Education University of Hong Kong. (2019). General education learning outcomes. Retrieved from https://geo.web.eduhk.hk/web/page.php?id=2
The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (2013). University general education: Our mission. Retrieved from https://www.oge.cuhk.edu.hk/index.php/en/overview/mission