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16th July 2024 – New paper published in Education + Training

16th July 2024 – New paper published in Education + Training

What employers really want: a deep dive into résumés and holistic competencies

How can graduates’ résumés create a strong first impression on employers? Find out more from the latest study by Professor Cecilia Chan, Dr. Theresa Kwong, Professor Yui Bun Chan, Professor Albert Wing Yin Ko, and Professor Samson Shu-Ki Tse, which explores employers’ perceptions and preferences on the assessment of holistic competencies (HC) in graduates. The findings highlight that employers consider graduates’ holistic competencies, particularly those developed through work placements and extracurricular activities, as key indicators of job readiness. This research offers valuable insights and practical advice for students at higher education institutions to better prepare for the job market, including strategies for effectively demonstrating HC attainments on résumés. Read the full article here: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ET-06-2023-0252/full/html?casa_token=UPt76hydeeMAAAAA:LzRf6Zyt6nauZDN6_evz6OlAK2Q8iMtPh9-tXRZ1Op_wuF1rykafl49aDKDg5Zk2Z87_4iiVh9xPbKAe6jnq1DNukjwp03pJ3QmfCxZStY4llBAeHTMk